Monday, August 24, 2020

Security Management Use Of Cameras In The Military Complex

Question: Compose an arrangement administering the utilization of cameras at a military complex. The hardware and staff of the complex are totally named top mystery and photos (and along these lines cameras) are not permitted. Your strategy ought to stick to the arrangement composing rules and the board standards canvassed in the Greene content. Your approach needs to cover institutionally and exclusive cameras. Answer: Strategy administering the utilization of cameras in the Military complex In the military edifices, solid counter arrangements are embraced everywhere throughout the world. The protection and security framework is high because of protecting (Greene, 2014). In this venture, various arrangements rules and the executives standards with respect to the utilization of cameras in military buildings are featured. Aside from this, the demonstration and laws enacted because of the utilization of cameras in boycott territories are additionally talked about. This issue happened in the Military buildings, however; significant level security is benefit by the administration (Zheng Carter, 2015). In this way, to moderate these issues the legislature is receiving some specialized security standards. Security strategy identified with individual cameras and photography in the military complex A few security arrangements are taken in the military complex with respect to the utilization of cameras. As per the regular protection key model, numerous defenseless circumstances are emerging (Greene, 2014). In this manner, to defeat these sorts of issues the received significant arrangement is the utilization of observation cameras. Fundamentally fixed and PTZ cameras are used in the military complex however as of late with the steady improvement of innovations, utilization of IP cameras are likewise expanding quickly (Pedersen, 2015). Capacity Maturity Model The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a product model used to build up a five-advance efficient development process utilized in the military edifices. The CMM model was figured in the center 1980 for the military field to execute propelled programming advances (Greene, 2014). The term development model is carefully identified with the level of custom and structure. The structure ranges from the enhanced procedure to specially appointed. What's more, the development model is identified with data security, programming improvement, framework designing, venture the executives just as hazard the board. Among singular security approaches, Information fighting is one of the most cutting edge innovations executed in the military buildings of America. It is a data correspondence innovation (ICT) use to set up a safe correspondence framework. Any photography and utilization of private cameras or portable cameras are carefully restricted in the military zones during the working hours and after that moreover. Some of the time it happened that guests took photos with their own cameras in the reconnaissance cameras, which isn't permitted (O'Lear, Briggs Denning, 2013). In this way, at whatever point any pariah goes into the military complex, they need to experience some genuine checking steps. During that period, alongside handling of sacks and faculty they likewise check the nearness of cameras. The utilization of individual cameras in the military complex is a wrongdoing. Now and then, it is discovered that assailants accompanied various types of sorts of hardware to take mystery or private information from the military camp (Zheng Carter, 2015). The reconnaissance cameras utilized in the military camp are not discernible just enhanced visualizations are available. Along these lines, if any dishonest circumstance emerges in the field and the sound impact isn't accessible at that point related different issues may show up. Lawful strides for the utilization of cameras in military buildings Utilization of individual cameras in the military complex is a wrongdoing. Photography in the touchy zones, for example, army installations zones or critical encourages regions are not permitted. Hence, any individual who defies this norm is rebuffed (Pedersen, 2015). In the military bases, the militaries likewise don't have the authorization to take pictures or to utilize individual cameras. So as to keep secure diverse private information and individual subtleties cryptographic key calculations are actualized in the military complex. As indicated by the laws of correctional code on the off chance that anybody enter with overwhelming hardware in the military complex, for example, individual cameras or versatile camera then they will be carefully rebuffed as this is dishonest (O'Lear, Briggs Denning, 2013). Utilization of the photos taken by the compound can't be utilized outside. Relief of the issue The utilization of individual cameras and photography in the military edifices turns into a significant issue (Campbell, 2014). So as to beat this issue, some cutting edge innovations are suited with the customary security arrangements. Execution of cutting edge programming advancements to recognize the issue in the underlying stage Hard discipline for the individual who is keeping away from the moral guidelines Utilization of CCTV cameras in all the necessary regions Pre-security ought to be taken with the goal that no such issue happen further in the military territories Severe checking arrangements are embraced before giving authorization for access to any outcast So as to alleviate the issues, the legislature is taking specific monetary, social and ecological difficulties (Pedersen, 2015). A security caution is executed in the military zone. On the off chance that any outcast took section with undesirable fear gear, at that point the sign will show that (Greene, 2014). Through actualizing diverse security arranges, the military complex can be guarded secure and. Aside from this, distinctive programming advances are actualized to keep the military complex protected and secure. References Campbell, H. (2014). The Dismantling Of The Apartheid War Machine And The Problems Of Conversion Of The Military Industrial Complex. Flintham, M. (2012). The military-peaceful complex: Contemporary portrayals of militarism in the landscape.Tate Online Research Papers, (17). Greene, S. (2014).Security Program and Policies: Principles and Practices. Pearson Education. O'Lear, S., Briggs, C. M., Denning, G. M. (2013). Ecological Security, Military Planning, and Civilian Research: The Case of Water.Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development,55(5), 3-13. Pedersen, M. D. (2015). Advancement and National Security: The Loss of Economic and Military Strength through the Theft of Ideas.Strategic Informer: Student Publication of the Strategic Intelligence Society,1(1), 7. Zheng, D., Carter, W. A. (2015).Leveraging the Internet of Things for a More Efficient and Effective Military. Rowman Littlefield.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

ABELARDO ED ELOISA Essays - , Term Papers

ABELARDO ED ELOISA La storia La storia di Abelardo e Eloisa ha inizio nel1116 a Parigi, quando lo zio di Eloisa, il canonico Fulberto, che aveva a cuore l'istruzione dell' adolescente che gli period stata affidata, choose di mandarla alla scuola sul colle di Sainte Genevieve, fondata dal bretone Pietro Abelardo. Quest'ultimo e maestro di logica, filosofo e teologo (sembra sia stato il primo advertisement usare il termine teologia), nonche uno dei piu illustri studiosi della sua epoca. Nel pieno della fama e del successo, ancora giovane - ha around 36 anni - viene travolto dalla passione amorosa per la sua allieva Eloisa, tanto che, che per starle piu vicino chiede alloggio a Fulberto, il quale accetta con entusiasmo. Il rapporto fra precettore e allieva si fa subito stretto, la reciproca ammirazione si trasforma presto in passione d'amore. Tuttavia, se per Abelardo sembrava essere solo erotismo, per Eloisa Abelardo non e solo tra I maestri il piu prestigioso, mama appare l'uomo piu affascinante, che la fa sentire grande e matura. Al mio signore, anzi padre, al mio sposo anzi fratello, la sua serva o piuttosto figlia, la sua sposa o meglio sorella... ti ho amato di un love sconfinato... mi e sempre stato piu dolce il nome di amica e quello di amante o prostituta, il mio cuore non period con me mama con te. Abelardo compone per Eloisa struggenti poesie d'amore che si diffondono e diventano popolari in tutta Parigi, grazie alla loro dolcezza delle parole e bellezza del ritmo musicale. Esplode subito lo scandalo: Fulberto furibondo allontana Abelardo, che ancora non sa che Eloisa e incinta. Quando glielo comunica per lettera, egli choose di rapirla approfittando dell'assenza di Fulberto per condurla a Pallet( Bretagna), e farla ospitare nella casa di famiglia. Qui, alla fine dell'anno1116 , partorisce Astrolabio (rapitore delle stelle). Abelardo, spinto dai sensi di colpa verso Fulberto, si dichiara disposto a sposare Eloisa nella condizione che il matrimonio rimanga segreto per non danneggiare la propria carriera di chierico. Cosi, tornati a Parigi,Abelardo e Eloisa,che time inizialmente contaria al matrimonio, si sposano segretamente in presenza dello zio di lei e di pochi amici, mama presto la famiglia di Eloisa divulga la notizia. I due si trovano in difficolta: negare il matrimonio ora non basta piu, ed Abelardo quindi convice Eloisa advertisement entrare nel monastero nel quale time stata educata, quello di HYPERLINK o Argenteuil Argenteuil. Fulberto, accecato dal disonore e dal sospetto che Abelardo voglia disfarsi della nipote per salvare il suo prestigio professionale, paga tre sicari, che sorprendono lo sfortunato di mattino, ancora addormentato, e lo evirano. Due di essi verranno catturati e - secondo la legge del taglione-accecati ed evirati a loro volta, mentre F ulberto, mandante dell'aggressione, verra solamente sospeso dai suoi incarichi. Per l'umiliazione e la vergogna, entrambi si ritirano in convento, e da questo momento le loro strade si separeranno e I due amanti non si rivedranno mai piu. Eloisa prende I voti e trascorre il resto della sua vita advertisement Argenteuil, mentre Abelardo si ritira nell'abbazia di Saint Denis, dove diventa eunuco. Quando Abelardo e ancora decrease di Saint Gildas, in Bretagna, capita per caso nelle mani di Eloisa una sua lettera in cui narra an un amico le proprie sventure. Eloisa choose quindi di scrivergli ricordandogli I tempi della loro passione, che in lei non si e mai spenta, e cosi scrive: Non ho voluto soddisfare la mia volonta e il mio piacere, mama te e il tuo piacere, lo sai bene. Eloisa gli rimprovera di non averla piu cercata da allora, di non averle mai scritto, e mentre le sue parole, a distanza di anni, sono ancora piene di appassionato love, le risposte di Abelardo invece rimangono sempre su un piano religioso, e al massimo di affetto. E' cambiato: ormai trova conforto solo nei grandi successi nel campo culturale, e risponde an Eloisa invitandola a rispettare il suo status di devota al signore indicandole la preghiera come unico rimedio alla tempesta dei sensi. Eloisa non si arrende. E ancora giovane (ha around 35 anni) ed e presa dai ricordi che lei considera indimenticabili: Il piacere che ho conosciuto e stato cosi strong point che non posso odiarlo. E pone promotion Abelardo in maniera lacerante questa domanda:

Monday, July 20, 2020

9 Lessons I Learned From Firing Someone

9 Lessons I Learned From Firing Someone As a boss, you will come across situations that require you to fire an employee. This could be as a result of the employee failing to meet their requirements at work, violating the company’s policies, or even due to reasons that are beyond the control of the employee, such as when the company decides to cut costs by letting some employees go. Regardless of the reason behind having to fire someone, or how justified the decision might be, firing someone is not a pleasant experience. Unless you are extremely inhuman, you are definitely going to feel bad about telling someone that you have decided to take away their job. You are basically pulling out the rug from under their feet. Maybe the person has a family to take care of, or a mortgage to pay, and you are taking the ability to do all that from him. Within the course of my career, I have had to fire employees a few times, and none of it was easy for me. However, I always try to learn something from every experience I go through, in cluding firing employees. Below are the 9 lessons I learned from firing someone. IT IS OKAY TO FEEL NERVOUSIt doesn’t matter how many times you have done it before, but you will always feel nervous before firing an employee. You are essentially dealing a huge blow to their life and their family. You are taking away their source of income and crushing their ego. In such a situation, it is normal that you will feel horrible. You might be unable to sleep the night before or unable to eat breakfast that morning. You will have a tight knot in your stomach. You should learn that all this is normal. Actually, if you find yourself not having the nerves when you are about to fire someone, it might be time for you to step down from the position. SOMETIMES FIRING IMPLIES A COMMUNICATION FAILUREUnless they commit a gross violation that requires their employment to be terminated immediately, employees should have an idea that their firing is imminent. If an employee gets shocked once you deliv er the news that they have been fired, this could be an indicator that you have a communication problem with your employees. As a boss or manager, it is your role to communicate with your employees and provide them with feedback to know how they are performing at work. If an employee does not know that they are underperforming, they will keep doing the same thing they are doing believing that they are doing what is required of them. Therefore, firing such an employee is technically your fault, because you are the one who is failing as a manager. To avoid such situations, create a habit of communicating with your staff and letting them know when they fall short of your expectations. Don’t wait for performance reviews to give feedback to your employees. Feedback â€" both positive and negative â€" should be given right away. It doesn’t have to be scheduled. Anytime you notice an employee slacking off or not meeting the requirements of the company, let them know immediately. Giving feedback immediately works well because the details and the context will be fresh in your mind and the employee’s mind, and they are more likely to take action to improve their performance. Feedback is so important that 72% of small business owners believe that employee appraisal is a valuable process.When giving feedback, avoid abstractions and vagueness. Be very specific. Telling an employee that they are underperforming is vague. Telling them that they have fallen short of their monthly sales target by 10% is specific. The idea here is to make sure that you are communicating well with your employees and giving them the best chance of succeeding at your job. If this is done properly, you are less likely to find yourself in situations that require you to let an employee go. LETTING THE EMPLOYEE GO IS NOT ALWAYS THE BEST DECISIONMost times, when it appears that an employee is underperforming, the default action is to show this employee the door. However, firing the employee is not your only option. If the employee is highly skilled but is underperforming, the problem could be that the employee is not in the best position for them. Instead of letting him go and going through the process of recruiting and onboarding a new employee, what if you could find another position where the employee can make better use of his skills? Sometimes, an employee’s underperformance comes from the frustration of not being able to apply their unique skills, not because they are not good employees. As a wise manager, reassigning such an employee is a better option than firing them since the company is already invested in the employee. In addition, such an employee already knows your company, they are loyal to the company and they do not need any time to get used to the company culture. Reassigning such an employee instead of firing them also helps improve overall morale and commitment to the company, leads to improved job performance and enhances a positive culture for the comp any. However, if you decide that it is absolutely necessary for the employee to be fired, keep these considerations in mind. FIRING AN EMPLOYEE WILL NOT SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMSAn employee has been causing the company lots of trouble. He is not pulling his weight, projects are getting delayed and other employees are losing morale. You have tried talking to the employee and given him warnings but nothing you do seems to get him to improve. In such a situation, it is easy to assume that firing the errant employee will solve all your problems. However, firing the employee will not solve all these problems, at least not immediately. Instead, it might even create new problems. After firing the employee, you will need to sort out how his responsibilities will be covered by the remaining employees. As you might have guessed, the other employees won’t be very pleased with the extra work. In addition, you will have to deal with finding a replacement for the employee you just fired. Accordin g to SHRM, the cost of replacing an employee can be as high as 50% 60% of the employee’s annual salary. For highly skilled employees who earn high salaries, this cost can go as high as 200% of the employee’s annual salary. You will have to think about the resources that will be spent in advertising for the vacant position, working with recruiters to find suitable candidates, interviewing applicants, as well as onboarding and the initial training the new employee will have to go through before they can take on the duties of the previous employee. The aim here is not to urge you to keep a non-performing employee because of the inconvenience of finding a replacement for him. If you feel that an employee has to go, sometimes that is the best decision. However, before you let the employee go, think of all the things you will need to take of before you find someone to take over his duties. In addition, don’t expect that once the employee is gone that all the problems in the company will be over â€" productivity will go up, the morale of the other employees will improve, customer relationships will improve and so on. The workplace is a dynamic environment, and it is very unlikely that all the problems within the company are being caused by one employee. Therefore, don’t expect firing a non-performing employee to be a silver bullet that will solve all your problems. ALWAYS HAVE A WITNESS WITH YOU WHEN FIRING AN EMPLOYEEThe first time I had to fire someone, things did not go as I expected. The employee in question was someone I was friends with, and as you might guess, it wasn’t going to be easy for me. When she walked into my office, I started telling her that the decision to fire her had been made but I froze mid-sentence. I couldn’t go through with it. Luckily, I had the HR manager with me in the room. The HR manager realized that I was lost for words and went ahead and told the employee that the company had decided to terminate her employment. From tha t day, I have always made a point of having someone in my office when letting someone know that we are letting them go.Having a witness with you when firing an employee serves two purposes. In case you run out of words or if you are unsure what to say while communicating the decision like I did, the other person can pick up where you left and help you with the termination. In addition, you will be glad you had a witness in case the employee decides to take legal action against you. In today’s world where anyone can sue you anytime for any reason, someone who was with you in the room can back you up in court and confirm that you followed the right procedures when firing the employee and that you treated the employee fairly. The best person to have as a witness when firing someone is someone from HR. HR staff are usually well versed with firing employees and can help you communicate the decision directly and with finality, without letting it turn into an argument with the employee. Since HR staff are well versed with matters to do with fairness and professionalism when firing an employee, they will also make a more credible witness in case the matter goes to court. However, if you cannot get hold of an HR representative, you can find another person to act as a witness, such as someone senior to you in the organization, another manager on the same level as you, the company lawyer or a trusted employee. DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE REST OF THE TEAMWhen you fire an employee, you might be tempted to leave things at that and hope that everything will now start running smoothly. What most bosses forget is that the employee was part of a team, and that team will also be affected by the termination of their colleague’s employment. They might feel like they are next in line, and their morale might take a dip. To ensure everything continues running smoothly, you need to notify other colleagues about this new development. Maintaining silence about the firing of an employee might have several negative impacts for the company. If you do not address the issue, gossip will spring up within the office. The other employees might lose trust in the management of the company. They might also be worried that the firing of their colleague will mean a bigger workload for them. To avoid all this, take the time to rebuild the confidence of the remaining team. Simply tell them that the employee is no longer working with the company and reassure them that their jobs are not at risk. Reassure them that you appreciate the work they do for the company. Let them know that even though the next few weeks might be difficult, the company will take action swiftly to find a replacement for the employee who has been fired. Most importantly, avoid the urge to badmouth the employee who has just been fired. Doing so will only make the other employees lose respect for you. Below is a real life example of how you might break the news.“Yesterday was Paul’s last day with us, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors. The company has already started the searching for someone who will take his place. In the meantime, Mike and Peggy will take over his duties. I appreciate the work all of you do here, and I want to assure you that none of your jobs is on the line. If anyone has any questions, please come talk with me in my office.”That should be enough to prevent any speculation and reassure the other members of the team.DON’T FORGET TO RESTRICT THE EMPLOYEE’S ACCESS TO THE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMSRegardless of the reason behind employment termination, whether the employee knew the termination was coming or not, no one will receive news of their sacking happily. Instead, they will feel betrayed. They will feel angry. They will feel bitter. In such emotional states, it is not uncommon for people to act irrationally. They will want revenge or anything that makes them feel like they are getting even. One of the easiest ways to do this is through the com pany’s electronic systems. An enraged employee who has just been fired might post insulting messages to other employees, mess with computer records or even steal confidential company data. To avoid this, you should coordinate with the IT department to ensure that the employee’s access to the company’s electronic systems is restricted. These include computer systems, company email accounts, customer contact forums, the company intranet, the company wiki, and so on. This should be done either slightly before you let the employee know about the decision to let them go, or during the termination meeting. Apart from disabling access to systems, you should also collect any company property such as laptops and access cards. IT IS HARDER FOR THEM THAN IT IS FOR YOUFiring employees has always been a hard thing for me. There is this one time I had to fire an employee who did not seem to be doing anything right. He was perpetually late and he rarely met his targets. However, he was a nic e guy, and everyone at the office liked him. However, after trying to get him to improve, it became clear that my only option was to let him go. When he appeared in my office for the termination meeting, I started by telling him how bad I felt about the decision to fire him. After letting him know that his employment was being terminated, I once again told him how sorry I was for him. Big mistake! He broke down, started pleading with me to reconsider the decision and making promises about how he would improve. This made the whole situation more emotional, and I almost changed my mind about letting him go. While firing someone feels hard for you, it is always harder for the person being fired. They just lost their source of income, so what you are feeling is nothing compared to what they are feeling. Trying to comfort them or apologize makes it even harder for them. After all, if you feel so bad about firing them, why are you doing it then? Trying to comfort them sends a message that the decision is up for debate, and the employee will almost always try to convince you why you should give them another chance. This is something you do not want since you have already decided that letting them go is the best decision. Therefore, you need to act as a strong, decisive boss. Remain calm and collected, and avoid showing your emotions. Apologizing is also an indicator that your decision might be wrong, which opens up the possibility of being sued.Pass the message with a degree of finality that lets them know that the decision is not up for debate. If the employee becomes emotional, give them time to let the news sink in, but do not try to give any excessive explanations. If you think that you will feel emotional while passing the news, it is a good idea to talk with your mentor beforehand and let him or her know how you feel. Having let off your emotions beforehand will make it easier for you to remain calm and collected while passing the news to the employee being fir ed. ALLOW YOURSELF TO FEEL GUILTYWhen an employee has been slacking on their job and pulling the whole team behind, the number one thing on your mind is usually to let the employee go. After making the decision and finally letting them go, it won’t take long before you start asking yourself if you did the right thing. Is there something else you could have done instead of firing him? Was he really a bad employee? Did you properly communicate to him what was expected of him by the company? Could you have somehow helped him improve his performance? Will his children get out of school because he now has no source of income?Asking yourself these questions after you fire someone from their job is normal. Don’t judge yourself too harshly because of this. You are only human, and it is normal to feel guilty when you just delivered such crushing news to someone, even worse when you are the one who made the decision. However, don’t dwell too much on these thoughts since they can affect your ability to perform your work in future, especially if you find yourself in a position where you have to fire another employee again. The best way to prevent this feeling of guilt is to ensure that you have anything within your ability to help the employee improve their performance, before resorting to letting them go. When you know that you tried to help to no avail, you are less likely to feel like you made the wrong decision. WRAPPING UPNo matter how many times you do it, firing an employee is never going to be a pleasant experience. You are cutting ties with someone who has been a part of your business and creating a hardship for them, and this will always be painful for both of you. Actually, firing someone should be only be used as a last resort. Before you let an employee go, you should do everything within your ability to try and get the employee to correct their behavior or improve their performance. However, sometimes letting the employee go is the best decision for th e company, and as a boss it is inevitable that you will find yourself having to make the call to fire someone. While the lessons shared in this article will not make it any pleasant, they will firing someone a little easier for you.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Egalitarian Relationships in Radical Heterosexuality Essay

In this article the author Naomi Wolf does a great job in explaining radical sexuality. Also known as egalitarian relationships. In marital relationships, the meaning is typically that husband and wife have equal status in the marriage. That is sometimes defined as having equal power. She talks about there being some conditions to abide by. For example, it requires that women should be able to support themselves without the help of any man. Also the man must yield the automatic benefits presented by gender. Women give up gender benefits as well as the men. By day they fight gender injustice; by night they sleep with men (Wolf p. 155), she questions weather feminists who are in a heterosexual relationship are contradicting themselves,†¦show more content†¦In conclusion, Wolf explains that it is perfectly ok to be a feminist, hate sexism and love men. Men were able to do just about anything they wanted with their wives, until the womens movement and even then in some parts of the countries it is still the same. Prior to the Civil War married women had many duties but few rights. They were not permitted to control their property, even when it was theirs by inheritance. A husband had the right to his wifes wages, to decide on the education and religion of their children, and to punish his wife if she displeased him. (Janice M. Steil). In addition, it shows how men always over rule women. Naomi Wolf also talks about how women were not treated as human. For example, she says, In the nineteenth century, when a judge ruled that a husband could not imprison and rape his wife, the London Times bemoaned. Also, she mentions the English common law that said, a man could legally beat his wife with a switch no thicker than his thumb, and thats where she says we got the phrase rule over thumb. It seems incredible to me that they treated women that way. What most feminists want is the marriage where their partner is showing respectful treatment towards them and their children, a kindness rather than a legal right such as before or in other countries today. Therefore, All the rules that men laid down over the centuries have recently gone out the window, and were

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Robert Louis Stevensons Impact on British Literature

Robert Louis Stevenson ranks in the upper echelons of writers in British literature. He is one of the most popular writers of the nineteenth century. Stevenson had a great range of skill in producing works in the form of poetry, plays, short stories, essays and novels. A variety of aspects of his very own life and personal experiences were implemented into his literary works. The romance novel is that of which he is best became known for. His works are still studied and observed in today’s society. While he is not regarded as â€Å"the best† writer in British history, his work still demands respect and deserves appreciation. Robert Louis Stevenson was a talented literary artist that had a significant impact on British literature. Born†¦show more content†¦It was understood that while at the University of Edinburgh, Stevenson would be studying engineering. After his studies, Stevenson’s father hoped that he would begin his profession with the fami ly firm and follow in his father’s footsteps (The RLS Website). Stevenson, however, had a much more â€Å"romantic nature† within him, and while supposedly studying for a degree in science and engineering, he spent a majority of his time reading and studying French Literature, Scottish history, and the works of Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer (Poem Hunter). In his twenty first year, Stevenson declared his intention of becoming a writer to his father, Thomas. He received strong opposition on the matter from his father, however (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Stevenson and his father then agreed to a certain type of compromise. His father would agree to accept his intentions to pursue a career as a writer, but would study for a career in law so that in the case that Stevenson’s career as a writer was a failure, he would at least have a profession to fall back on (Poem Saver). Stevenson was admitted to the Scottish bar in 1875 (Encyclopedia of World Biography). He â€Å"passed advocate† in 1875 but did not even bother to take time to practice because he had made it clear to himself that he wanted to be a writer by then. During the summer, on vacations from theShow MoreRelatedDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: A View Into Societal Changes in the 19th Century1398 Words   |  6 PagesRobert Louis Stevenson was born on November 13, 1850, in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland. Throughout his childhood he was told morbid tales from the Bible, as well as Victorian penny-serial novels that he would carry with him throughout his years and what would place the greatest impact on his writing.[1] In 1886, he published a novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, based on a man with pure intentions, who ends up turning himself into a viscous murderer. Dr. Henry Jekyll is a well-knownRead More Comparing the Impact of Darwin on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and She1069 Words   |  5 PagesThe Impact of Darwin on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and She Who Must Be Obeyed      Ã‚   Imagine what would happen if everything you believed to be true was suddenly challenged.   How would you feel if the solid rock bottom of your religious and cultural beliefs turned into a slippery slope of doubt?   Such was the dilemma the Victorians faced with the publication of Darwins Origin of the Species.      The questioning of mans origin in the form of evolution and survival of the fittest broughtRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words   |  39 Pagesshape and development. It was the novel that was the leading form of literature in the 19th century England. The term ‘novel’ itself was a simple narrative form, which in opposition to its forerunner, the ‘romance’ focused on the affairs of everyday life such as scientific discovery, religious debate, politics or colonial settlement. Though there are many arguments among critics which dates frame the period of Victorian literature, it is commonly accepted that it was the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901)Read MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesthat were spent to create organizations that never earned a profit and were often hugely unsuccessful as business entities. However, this enormous cost to some companies also created beneficial impacts for many other companies in dealing with these fundamental wide-ranging issues. These beneficial impacts had an enormous effect in galvanizing fundamental business innovation in companies at a far faster rate than would have been the case if there had been no boom; that is, without those effects, innovation

Holocaust Sociology Free Essays

Gevorg Petrosyan Professor Wonser Intro to Sociology 23 June 2012 Final Project, Assignment 2: Nazi Germany and Holocaust The Holocaust was the genocide of around six million European Jews during World War II. (Holocaust History) Nazi Germany led by Adolf Hitler had targeted every single Jew to be perished. Unfortunately Nazi Germany succeeded to murder two-thirds of the nine million Jews who were stationed in Europe. We will write a custom essay sample on Holocaust Sociology or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Holocaust History) The Holocaust can be viewed at in many sociological perspectives of the sociologists mind. Adolf Hitler used everything in his power to exterminate any non-German ethnic that lived in Germany. Hitler) Authority played a key point in the Holocaust against the Jews. The following are the many perspectives of this horrific act against humanity. One of the main sociological perspectives that fall into Nazi Germany and how Holocaust was looked at was social stratification. The Aryan race was supreme; anybody else was lower then they. (Nazi SS) Jews, homosexuals, handicapped, prisoners of war, and minority groups were all prosecuted. As talked about in lecture, Max Weber’s theory of social class portrayed Adolf Hitler’s wealth, power, and prestige. Hitler used these components to his advantage and started an empire. Brainwashing Germans to hate and murder humans that are not in their â€Å"social class†, as said the Aryan race. Social class and inequality played a big role for the non-Aryan. Everything was stripped away from them such as cars, money, children, clothes, food, and eventually their hope. The people of culture of poverty had strong feeling of not belonging, helplessness, no faith, and all hope was gone. Jews and others were treated as aliens or non-humans. Adolf Hitler was a functionalist in my point of view because in that way he would think social stratification was both natural and beneficial to society. He promoted deviance in the way of the labeling theory. If you are not Aryan or German you are not welcome and also considered as a threat. (Nazi SS) In that case you are labeled through judgment and that changes the way others respond to you. Another labeling theory in the Holocaust was the yellow Star of David patch. This patch often put against right side of the chest, implemented and labeled the person as a â€Å"Jude†. Nazi persecutions used this to label to their prosecutors in an organized way. (Nazi SS) With this patch you had implanted in your mind that you are going to die. It was intended to be the badge of shame and now the public knew you as a Jew. The Jude community was treated like dogs; they were given a name and badge similar to dog tag or collar, and looked upon as animals. Erving Goffman’s term of stigma was given to the Jewish because of their social attribute. Nazi Germany used all three types of stigma in their society such as physical for the impaired or handicapped, moral for mentally challenged, and tribal for Jewish and other non-Aryan or German. The Erving Goffman’s term of stigma was lectured in class. Nazi Germany was big in-group created by Adolf Hitler. They felt loyalty and brotherhood towards each other. Anyone besides them was a major out-group, such as the Jews. The rivalry and hatred they had for the Jews was a usual thing by other fellow Nazi. Such a big in-group had and influence on any Nazi to believe what they were doing is right. Group cohesion strongly powered the Nazi for the loyalty and solidarity. All the members felt strongly tied to each other as family in a way. Any one else was not like them and was to be treated differently. Adolf Hitler’s social influence was the image to all Nazi. His social influence gave them their individual attitudes and behaviors towards others. This became ideal for a dictator, because the group norms made the members want to gain acceptance to their own country. Any negative sanctions were looked down upon and so Germans followed one after another into agreement. Weber’s idea of charismatic authority fell into the category of Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler served in the army and soon enough became known as the â€Å"Furher† of Germany. (Hitler 1) Hitler’s demanding voice and humorless speeches dominated audiences. He had all the qualities of a leader from the minute he was born. He didn’t like taking orders from his own strict father. (Hitler 1) Hitler also had many bureaucracies under him, such as the SS. The Schutzstaffel translated to Protection Squad was responsible for many of the crimes towards humanity during World War II. Heinrich Himmler was in charge of a vast bureaucratic empire. He was responsible for the SS, as well as the municipal police. (Nazi SS 4) The SS was feared amongst all Jews because of their deadly rules and punishments. These bureaucracies were so useful to the empire because they ran all the operations needed for power. Hitler used them to keep order and organization between the country, plus not to get his hands dirty. The Nazi Empire and Holocaust was made up of many total institutions. First one would be the military; Hitler knew he had to get the military on his side and soon will obey any command. Soon the military had a mortification of self in which they were brainwashed to dehumanize Jews. They were taught to have â€Å"racially pure† Germany and life. (Chronicle 2) The Holocaust wasn’t carried out by crazy or unusually violent people. The SS deliberately tried to ensure that those responsible for the actual killings were not especially eager, or emotional. They wanted the task to be as business-like and impersonal as possible. (Nazi SS 4) People stop worrying about what the ‘right’ thing to do is because the right thing is always to do what you’re told, and that was because of discipline and authority. Another total institution would be the death camps or also known as concentration camps. Which norms or laws were among the prisoners society? The prisoners had a whole new social life. Resocialization took an impact on them to which fighting for survival was needed and communications between prisoners and officers. Some type of achieved status controlled the whole environment of the prisoners and changed their outlook on life, which soon enough became a mortification of self. Prisoners under hunger, extreme working conditions, and terror of death mortified one to go toe extreme lengths of survival by obeying every rule given or going slowly insane to the point of no return. (Chronicle 2) One of the most disastrous theories for the Holocaust would be dehumanization. What people failed to realize why the Holocaust happened was because what the people were enabling each other to do. (Holocaust History 3) All they did was gather statistics and data and didn’t realize that it was human beings for those stats. The order is different from the act because the person who gave the order doesn’t interpret in their head what kind of order they just gave and the action part of it. The generals and Nazi didn’t focus on the fact that they were committing mass murder to a great amount of human beings with families and connections. There actions weren’t â€Å"bad† at the time so no problem in doing it but when later on in life they realize what they’ve done is very different outlook. The Holocaust would have been impossible without the advancements of modern society. The slaughtering of Jews and other was just like a factory but instead of producing goods, it was producing death. Without modern industrialization and technology they would have never killed mass amounts of people that fast. Gas chambers, trains importing prisoners, concentration camps, not much food source for prisoners, and workload were all components to modern society. Chronicle 3) This is what moved the genocide to speed up its movement of extermination. Letting Adolf Hitler get to his achieved status brought up to Holocaust idea. Without letting him get to this status of â€Å"Furher†. He would not turn a great country into a mass murdering empire of bureaucracies. His speeches, authority, leadership skills, and d iscipline is what made the Nazi Empire what it was. His authority and discipline is what made the soldiers make the choice they made. Why did Hitler target the Jews mostly? Why not another race? He blamed Jews for everything that happened within the country such as lost of World War I, and for the Great Depression. (Hitler 1) He also hated Jews because he regarded them as mostly Communist. (Hitler 1) Society killed the Jews because of their statuses and way of life. Jews were the most significantly affected by the Holocaust but others were targeted too. These included political opponents, soviet prisoners of war, communists, homosexuals, mentally challenged, non-Aryan, and gypsies. Holocaust History 3) They labeled it as â€Å"people that were killed in Holocaust† and didn’t seem to realize how it affected those peoples families and friendships. To this day Jews still mourn over the six million that died. Germany also takes in the guilt of what their country has done in the past. The Holocaust affected such large numbers and was one of the most mass killing genocides. It is taught all around the world in textbooks and classes. Society revo lves under it because now Jews are looked at differently even if they deny someone doesn’t. How to cite Holocaust Sociology, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Plastic Surgery Essays - Plastic Surgery, Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery People today are not satisfied with their physical appearance. Whether it is their weight, breasts, facial structure, or buttocks, there is always something they wish was different. As a result of this, many people turn to make-up or push-up bras. Some think that a different route is easier, plastic surgery. A study done by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons shows that, in 2011, 15 million people across the globe turned to plastic surgery to enhance their looks (Bates). Although many people turn to plastic surgery for better physical appearance, it is not the right decision a person wants to take. Plastic surgery costs a fortune and its an addiction, causes illnesses and possibly death, and it is a slow healing process. Plastic surgery deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, external genitalia or cosmetic enhancement of these areas of the body(Kita). It might look all too nice to get a plastic surgery done and changing the form or appearance of your body part for ever, its procedures usually cost a lot of money to get it done, so its not something that everyone can have, Its usage is limited to those belonging to the high echelons of the society. Furthermore, plastic surgery has the potential to become an addiction. Some people who undergo it become attracted with the outcome and look forward to a change in each and every part of their body. As such, plastic surgery becomes an obsession for them, rather than just a means of modifying a body part. When someone does unnecessary plastic surgery they begin to look abnormal which then leads to addiction. The case of 'revi sion' i.e. getting back the old look has become a common phenomenon in the present times. This is mainly because the result of the plastic surgery might not turn according to your desires. As a result, more and more patients are undergoing revision, after the surgery, to get back their original look. ...Some people suffer from a condition known as body dysmorphic disorder. Persons with this condition can be extremely good-looking, but view themselves as ugly. They equate happiness with beauty. Thus, to achieve a happy state, they undergo repeated cosmetic surgeries. Unfortunately, people with this disorder are never satisfied with their appearance(Higuera). Death can be caused by plastic surgery. There are many risks to be aware of like infection, nerve damage, scarring, and many more. Many celebrities have died from plastic surgery. Though rare, possibility of death cannot be ruled out during plastic surgery. The surgical process involves usage of chemicals and equipments that are not suitable for a persons body. Excessive bleeding, heart attack or even a drop in blood pressure, while the surgery is going on, are some of the things that might lead to death of the patient. All surgeries carry a risk of infection. In some cases, nerves may be damaged or severed during any surgical procedure. The result is more obvious, however, if it is a facial nerve. When those nerves are injured, the outcome can be the inability to make facial expressions or drooping of the eyes (ptosis) or mouth. Scarring is one of the greatest risks to achieving an attractive outcome, scarring is not always predictable, but can be controlled in most cases. Scarring is a possible disadvantage of plastic surgery. These scars are thick and red, they usually dont fade like most surgical scarring. Bruising and swelling for a period of time after the surgery are often difficult to hide, especially when the work was done on the face. A hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood can develop after surgery, this typically results in an area being swollen and bruised in appearance, with a pocket of blood beneath. In some cases, this is minor, but a hematoma can be large enough to cause pain and even decrease blood flow through the area. In the case of a large hematoma, the surgeon may choose to remove some of the collected blood with a syringe or other similar method. The site of hematoma can present a firm

Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Use of Tone in Man of La Mancha Essays

The Use of Tone in Man of La Mancha Essays The Use of Tone in Man of La Mancha Essay The Use of Tone in Man of La Mancha Essay In the play, Man of La Mancha, written by Dale Wasserman, a conglomeration of techniques is used to set or change the emotional feel of a scene. Lighting is lowered to create a sinister feel, or to show that that scene is in the prison, and sometimes it is increased in order to portray joy, or show that the scene is in the poet’s story. Musical crescendos and decrescendos are also used to show this. But even more important than these, are the tricks used by the actors themselves. Blocking, body language, and emotion are all very important, but one specific thing that I noticed was the tone of the performers. In the scene with the barber, the gypsy girl, and the â€Å"Golden Helmet of Mambrino†, the barber’s confusion and slight fear can be clearly heard, even through his minimal lines. Also, the profuse sincerity of Sancho Panza, not to mention his worry for his master, is clearly expressed in each and every of his scenes, especially the opening scene Cervantes’ tale and the final scene where Don Quixote dies after being reunited with his Dulcinea. Even while singing, (I Really Like Him) his tone and emotion remained consistent with the feel of the scene. The actor’s tone also remains constant to his character throughout the play, never becoming too brusque, or too insipid. Mainly though, the character with the most control over, and who had the best use of his tone, was Don Quixote. In the scene, for example, where Don Quixote is faced with the Knight of the Mirrors and his attendants, his cries of agony at the realization of his situation perfectly depicts the terror which is meant to accompany it. His sadness on his deathbed, his ecstatic joy in the recovery of his memories, and his humility when begging to be officially knighted, are all perfectly portrayed, primarily by the tones he uses to emphasize what he is saying. You can truly believe that he is dying, or remembering his love, or believes that the hotel is a fortress, and it’s landlord , a king. It takes many parts to make a play successful. The following of cues, memorization of lines, and the timing of special effects are all important. On a deeper level, the actor’s concentration, dedication, and skill levels are also crucial. A key part though, which can make or break the play, is the actor’s tone when he or she says her lines. With the incorrect tone, the scene feels wrong and the illusion of the play is broken. In this rendition of Man of La Mancha, the actors placed their tones perfectly, which successfully brought forth the underlying messages in the story, which are usually unintentionally omitted.

Monday, March 2, 2020

QA How and Why Should I Keep Track of Time on the SAT or ACT

QA How and Why Should I Keep Track of Time on the SAT or ACT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you want to do well on the SAT or ACT, keeping track of time and how many questions you have left is extremely important. Sections are 35-60 minutes long on the ACT and 25-65 minutes long on the SAT. One of the leading reasons students perform poorly on either test is that they run out of time. And one of the leading reasons students run out of time is not because they're not aware of how much time is left. We'll go over the best way to keep track of time on the SAT/ACT in this article, including what timekeeping devices are and are not permitted on test day. Q: How Does Knowing How Much Time Is Left Help Me? Answer: It lets you plan out which questions to answer first. For each SAT/ACT section, most people agree that it's strategically best to start with the questions that are easy for you. You can then go back and answer the harder ones in an order that depends on how much time is left. If you have three hard questions and 15 minutes left, it probably doesn’t matter what order you do them in. On the other hand, if you only have five minutes left to do three hard questions, you should try to do the easiest-looking one first. But you can’t even make that choice if you have to rely on having a good view of the big clock on the wall or on the proctor's desk. Q: What Can I Bring to Time the Exam Sections? Answer: Not much. Unfortunately, neither test is very accommodating when it comes to timing devices. Both the SAT and the ACT have the following strict rules about what you can bring to the test. Rule 1: You Can't Bring a Cellphone This is for real. You are technically not even allowed to have a cellphone with you in the room, and you're certainly not allowed to look at your phone during the test or during the breaks in between sections. In practice, if you do take your cellphone with you to the testing center, you must make sure it is completely turned off. If you want to be really safe and know how to take the battery out of your phone, do it. Silent mode just isn't safe enough for the SAT or ACT. We say this because cellphones, even on Silent or Airplane mode, can beep or vibrate loudly for various reasons, from a national weather alarm alert to a software update that restarts the phone. And if your phone goes off, the test is over for you. Your test booklet will be confiscated and disqualified from being scored. More pertinently, even if you bring a cellphone with you to the testing center (which, again, is technically not allowed), you definitely, definitely can not use your cellphone, even just as a timer. Rule 2: You Can’t Bring Separate Timers The College Board explicitly lists "separate timers of any type" as something that cannot be brought in. This means no stopwatches, no kitchen timers, and no hourglasses. An hourglass is not an acceptable timekeeping device for the SAT or ACT. Rule 3: You Can't Bring Anything That Beeps If you use a beeping watch in a way that doesn't beep, it should be fine for the SAT/ACT. However, are you sure you won’t accidentally hit a button that makes it beep? Sure enough to bet your entire SAT or ACT score on it? The only way to guarantee your test won't get disqualified is to play it safe and just bring a watch that cannot make a beep. Q: What’s the Best Plan for Keeping Track of Time on the SAT/ACT? Answer: Use an analog (non-digital) watch that can’t beep but that you can easily reset. You can get a cheap non-digital watch for less than $15 on Amazon. If you’re not great at reading clocks, you can get an easy-to-read one that has the minutes marked on a ring around the watch face. Once you have your analog watch, practice using it as a timer with either of these two strategies. Strategy 1: Set Your Watch to Noon Right when each section starts, set your watch to 12:00 (so that the minute and hour hand are both on the 12). The minutes past 12:00 tell you how many minutes passed since the section started. It's an easier way to check how much time has passed than doing the mental math of, "So we started at 10:48, and it's 11:04 now, which means...16 minutes have passed? Probably?" The main problem with this method is that you still have to do some mental time math. For instance: "The 25-minute SAT Math No-Calculator section started at 12 pm and now it’s 12:07pm. How many minutes do I have left?" The answer is 18 minutes, but the time it took you to do the math in your head is lost time you could've been spending on the test. Save your math for the Math section and use this next trick. Strategy 2: Use Your Watch to Count Down to Noon An alternative to setting your watch exactly to noon is to set your watch to a section's length before the hour. For instance, if the section is 25 minutes long, set your watch to 35 minutes past the hour (which is 25 minutes until the next hour). The watch’s countdown to the end of the hour will also be a countdown to the end of the section. Here's a handy table with the times you should set your watch to at the beginning of each section: Section Length (minutes) Set your watch to... What sections are this length? 25 11:35 SAT Math (No Calc) 35 11:25 SAT Writing and Language, ACT Reading, ACT Science 40 11:20 ACT Essay (optional) 45 11:15 ACT English 50 11:10 SAT Essay (optional) 55 11:05 SAT Math (Calculator) 60 11:00* ACT Math 65 10:55* SAT Reading *To keep the countdown to noon consistent across all sections, it's better to use 11 and 10:55 here, but you could theoretically use a different time if you wanted. Setting your watch to count down to noon is helpful because: You effectively have a timer, giving you an edge. It's completely within policy, since you are allowed a non-beeping watch. It's better than doing time math. Of course, if you use this method, don't forget to reset the watch at the beginning of each section. And when the test is over and you’re out of the test room, set the watch back to the real time. What’s Next? Take advantage of your new knowledge of how to keep track of time by reading our tips on saving yourself time during the SAT. Still worried you'll run out of time? We have more great tips on how to avoid running out of time on SAT/ACT Reading and SAT/ACT Math. How long exactly are the SAT and ACT, anyway? Find out with our guides to how long (with breaks) the SAT and ACT are.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Music Technology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Music Technology - Coursework Example +4dBu is generally found in professional level equipment such as public address systems. Finally, -85dBu indicates the level of noise floor (residual electronic noise) in the sound amplifying system. Noise floor is the measure of the lowest audible sound that can be amplified by the system. Collectively, the three levels are known as the operating line levels of an audio system (Glenn, 1998, p.731). A.2. What do the ranges of 24 dB, 89 dB and 109 dB indicate? Explain the function that each of these ranges has in an audio system? (9 marks) The range 24dB in the diagram indicates the headroom of the sound system (peak level- nominal level) = +28dBu-(+4dBu) =24dBu. According to Rossing (2002, p.168), the main function of this range is to describe the capacity of the sound amplifying system to handle loud sound peaks. For example, a sound system with a larger headroom range is often able to handle significantly louder sound peaks before the sound is distorted or broken. On the other hand , 89 dB range shown in the diagram indicates the S/N ratio (Signal to Noise ratio) of the sound amplifying system. Generally, S/N ratio refers to the difference between the nominal level of the sound system and the noise floor. When the S/N ratio is combined with the headroom, the result is known as the dynamic range assuming that there is no signal below the noise floor in the sound amplifying system (Borwick, 1980, p.45). ... gard, the dynamic range of the system function as the indicator of the difference between the electro-acoustic noise floor and the peak output level of the audio system. B. Why does the graphic refer to two different kinds of dB? Explain both types extensively using formulas for both types too. (15marks). The graphic diagram refers to the two types of dB namely the dB (SPL) and dBu scales. With regard to the dB (SPL), the primary variable measured is the sound pressure level in the audio system. This kind of dB is achieved by measuring the ratio amplified input signals using the logarithmic formula: 10  log  (P2/P1)  dB   Ã‚  where the log is assumed to base 10. (Rossing , Moore , Wheeler, 2002, p.87). The other type of dB used in the diagram is dBu which generally indicates the output of the sound amplifying system (amplitude ratios). dBu is the unit measure of the absolute value of the electrical potential of the system in volts (relative to the sound produced). The formula for this kind of dB is: 20 log10 (V/ V0) = 20 log10 (V/ 0.7746), where voltage is measured using root mean square (Glenn, 1998, p.851). ` C. About the values showed above, would you considered this to be a professional system or only a home-made-like system (e.g. cassette or vinyl) based)? Explain your choice. (5marks). According to the values given in the diagram, the system illustrated is most likely to be a professional system. For example, headroom of 24dB is capable of ensuring high fidelity sound that is only found in the professional sound amplification systems which are often comparatively more sophisticated than the normal homemade systems like those using vinyl and cassettes. Additionally, the large dynamic range indicated in the diagram is a likely suggestion that the system has a high

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Finding number PI Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Finding number PI - Research Paper Example In modern times, however, with the advent of computers, the emphasis has shifted to the speed at which the value of Pi can be determined together with increasing the number of decimal places. This paper traces the history of Pi and the efforts made by mathematicians and astronomers to get closer and closer to the â€Å"precise† value of Ï€, and then discusses two methods for determining the value of Pi – one ancient method and one modern method. The very first attempts to determine the value of Ï€ date back to around 2000 B.C., when the Babylonians and Egyptians approached the problem in their own ways. While the Babylonians obtained the value of 3+1/8, the Egyptians obtained the value as (4/3) ^4 for Ï€. About the same time, Indians used the value of square root of 10 for Pi. All these values were based, essentially, on measurement of circumferences and diameters of circles of different sizes (Beckmann, 12-15 and 98-106). The first major step towards determining the value of Pi is attributed to the great Greek mathematician and physicist, Archimedes around 250 B.C. The ancient Greeks, with their penchant for precision, were interested in precise mathematical proportions in their architecture, music and other art forms, and hence were curious about better precision in determining the value of Pi. Thus Archimedes developed a method using inscribed and circumscribed polygons for calculating better and better approximati ons to the value of Ï€ and came to the conclusion: Subsequently, around 150 A.D., the Egyptian mathematician Ptolemy (of Alexandria) gave the value of 377/120, and around 500 A.D., the Chinese Tsu-Ch’ung-Chi gave Pi the value of 355/113. Many others like Ptolemy and Tsu-Ch’ung-Chi continued to use Archimedes’s method to calculate the vale of Pi to better approximations. Ludolph von Ceulen used this method with a 2^62-sided polygon to calculate Pi to 35 decimal

Saturday, January 25, 2020

A New Journey - Original Writing :: Papers

A New Journey - Original Writing A journey begins with a step, a voice, a vision or a loved one. My journey first began with a cry, unknowing what the future beholds, but in the end, I found myself at a destination which I did not visualise. A destination that was not meant to be. An end that became a new beginning. "Please don't do this to me, Ma." I said with a shaky voice. Already annoyed, my mother said, "I just can't afford it, okay?" "But what about my future? If I don't go to college, I won't even have one." "You know something? You are selfish. All you care about is yourself. Have you ever thought about my position? I don't have a job. I don't have a stable income. And you know what your father is doing about this? Nothing. Don't talk to me about this now." She said as she walked away. I followed her to the kitchen, unwilling to give in. "I'm selfish? You're the one who is selfish! Now all you think about is Gary. I'm your daughter! I came first! I'm supposed to be number one!" I shouted. My vision began to blur as a film of tear coated my eyeballs. "Why are you doing this to me, Ma? Every time you come home, all you do is talk to Gary. You know I'm alone. You know I don't have friends. And now I've lost you. I might as well be dead." I grumbled. "You are just so bloody stubborn! Go on. Go hang yourself." She ended the conversation with such hurtful words. With uncontrollable tears streaming out of my eyes, I ran into my room and slammed the door hard. I took out my journal and put in writing everything that had just happened. As I was doing so, I thought about my father; I hate him. It is his fault all this had happened. It was his cruel gesture that caused this mess. How is it that he had the heart to do

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Care for our environment

Care for our environment Albert Einstein once said â€Å"Look deep into the nature and you will understand everything better. † Save your environment because it is a place where you live and do whatever you want to. I get a lot of questions these days about going green. The most common of those questions is â€Å"Why should I Care for the environment? † The problem is this hasn't been raised by people who love recycling an organic food but from people who think recycling and buying organic food is Just futile and an utter waste of time. Let me explain some simple reasons to save our environment. Firstly†¦ ow the world your good side. The impact we have on the environment today will make a big difference on the future generation. Your attitude towards the environment shows your personality. I f you are a person who doesn't care for the environment, it shows that you are an irresponsible person. Secondly nobody likes to live in an atmosphere filled with smog. It beco mes hard to breathe and it causes a number of health problems which ultimately leads to death. Thirdly beautiful parks and beaches are scintillating to the mind and body. Unfortunately these have been destroyed by the mankind itself.As a result these gifts of nature are becoming more of a past memory and less of a reality. Last but not the least, human race isn't going to die out anytime soon. But we are using up our resources faster than we can replenish them. If we continue at the same place, we are eventually going to run out of fossil fuels, trees, drinking water etc. So remember, a green world is a better world. So let us Join hands and strive towards building a greener and better place to live in and let's make the future generation proud of what we did for them.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A Study on Motivation Theory - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2254 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Rationale of the Study In the dictionary, the word inventory means, as an itemized list of goods, property or a list of things what a person owns. Everyone does inventory and it can be done anywhere, to maintain the availability of something that is useful to someone. So, every person undertakes inventory, which can be considered as a natural occupation by an individual. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a need for an entrepreneur to do an inventory, for the business to work with the inconsistent changes in relation to the supply chain. Every inventory of the business tried to strike a balance either of what is needed and what is demanded, considering reduction or cutting is the major factor of cost and it is called inventory management or inventory control. Assets are basically an inventory which are stocks in business. An entrepreneur purchases raw materials for the purpose of reselling it to the customers. In situations where purchasing or manufacturing of the items is not a ble to satisfy the demand, inventory enables a company to support the customer service, logistical or manufacturing activities. For a business to have a successful inventory management enfold simultaneously endeavor to balance the costs of inventory for the benefit not only to the business but also to the consumer itself. It is necessary for a business to keep records specifically inventory records in order to provide an information that can be useful to make decisions on inventory management. A lot of planning and hard work is required to have a successful business. It is like sailing; you can avoid storms with an accurate navigation, but the moment you lower your guard, any time the storm can capsize your ship. Business is a matter of analytical decisions, weighing things down and taking into account the experiences youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ve encountered to formulate strategies to ensure the success and the eagerness to achieve the desired results of doing such activity. The st udy seeks to enhance the practices of the carenderias in managing their inventories by incorporating the practices of the selected restaurants in Cebu City that have been operating for years and have achieved the right way on how to manage the availability of their inventories. Theoretical Background In a long rectangular table, it is a habit among Filipinos to join together during meal time, whether home-cooked or at one of the many eateries in the country, considering it to be an important time to socialize, or to at least communicate with someone. Some businesses started as a hobby, skills or talents by an individual to make profits. In which todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s generation, some Filipinos engage in food business. The concept of selling foods for profits has been way of the Filipinosà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ livelihood, and it can be seen everywhere. One good example is the Carenderias also called as turo-turo, in which customers will point toward the food they want to eat fro m the displayed dishes. Carenderias are known as a quick service type eatery, foods are already cooked and to be served anytime. Also, they serve foods in which it is popular to the taste of Filipinos. Carenderias are easy to build on; all you need to have is a capital, location, the skills in cooking and the word of mouth advertising. Carenderias are a small type of food business that some Filipinos are engaging, in order to sustain the needs of their family. Carenderias are independently owned by an individual, in which all the cases that the business is facing can only be solved by the entrepreneur with the help of the appropriate decision made by an individual. Many entrepreneurs, from ignorance or overconfidence have a difficulty in achieving business growth and development. Perhaps the most usual mistake of entrepreneurs is related to the management of the business. To start a business is not a sufficient skill for an entrepreneur. As the business continues to grow, the ent repreneur must develop a certain strategy to foster a continuous growth for the business. Nevertheless, if the entrepreneur does not advert to this need, He may not be able to manage the resources available properly and thereby record a decrease in profitability or even bankruptcy. This mistake often occurs when the business has reached a certain level of growth. Entrepreneurs should realize that when a business has reached a certain level of growth, business requires a certain expertise in the management that is practiced by people with knowledge and experience. In other words, entrepreneurs should have enough skills to manage a larger scale of business. (Burdus, 2010) Every entrepreneur wants to grow their business and know what factors that affect the continuous development. Perhaps the lack of survival strategy, especially on ways of achieving competitive advantage discontinue the progress of the business. Having a clear strategy, entrepreneurs can determine their target goal and how they can achieve them. (Ibid) One of the most important aspects in running a business is Inventory management; Entrepreneurs should have the basic knowledge and fundamental skills of inventory management. Having these skills, entrepreneurs can properly manage the resources, in a way that he can maximize the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ profits. It is important that an entrepreneur can control the items or goods that are needed for the business, to determine whether the business has enough supply to use. The turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of the revenue generated and the earnings for the company. Therefore, inventories are companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s investments that are to be realized in the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ operating cycle that would eventually generate a profit for the business. Also, inventories are the heart and soul of sales and production. Inventories are components that are used for production of goods or services that are sold in the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ daily operating cycle. It is categorized based on how they are being used during the production process. These include raw materials, work in process goods and finished products. Business always needs to keep inventories available in order to maintain the production cycle without affecting the daily operation process of the business. It is important for the managers to properly manage their inventory efficiently and effectively in order not to have too much or too less resources available for the production of the business. Proper management of inventory also includes knowing what resources that should be stored and when will be the next purchase of the resources be needed. Also, it is very important for managers to know how much resources that should be stored and control the level of inventory to avoid the possibility of slowing the production of the business due to lack of resources available and to avoid the risk of having excess inventories not being sold. Therefore the efficient and effective management of inventory helps in achieving better operational results and has significant impact on a businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ profitability. In achieving the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ success, one factor that could really help is motivation in which it has a direct impact on individuals working in the business. Perhaps in business, what motivates managers and employees to do their job is the need to achieve the goals of the business, because when the business becomes successful, managers are rewarded for the effort they have made. The reward that was granted to managers gave them the self-esteem and got even more motivated; in fact Maslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1943) Hierarchy of needs explains that the self-esteem gives a person a sense of value and that sense gives motivation to the managers. It is not only the managers who need motivation, but as well as those people in the business (e.g. Employees). Motivated employees te nd to be more productive, and that productivity makes the company profitable and gives the companys ability to achieve their goals. In every business, thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s always a goal that an entrepreneur need to set out in order to know what the entrepreneur want to achieve for the business. Setting goals is an essential part in achieving success. In fact, Locke and Lathamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s goal setting theory (1990) cited by Sarah Pavey explained that, having clarity in setting a goal is one of the principles that can improve the chances of success. Setting goals must be clearly stated and certain, to be able to have the exact path of what an entrepreneur wants to achieve. In addition, having that certain goal needs commitment to that particular goal to achieve what you really want to achieve and believe that you can achieve that goal. The entrepreneur should dedicate more time and work on improving the ability of the business to achieve goals and learn what are necessar y for the business to succeed. An entrepreneur is often motivated in achieving challenging goals for them to enhance feelings of achievement and encourages them to work harder to achieve them. In selecting the right goal, entrepreneurs should also listen to the feedbacks of other people to identify how well a business is progressing. Gaining feedbacks also helps you know if you can meet the goal you want to achieve. It is not necessary that the feedbacks come from the other people; an entrepreneur can also check by simply looking at the accomplishments such as financial statements and analyzing how well a business is progressing. Every business has their goals, and by this, we refer to what the business intends to become and achieve at some point and how this business aims to reach their goals. Aristotle explained in one of his four causes, the final causality that a certain purpose or aim can cause an individual to do an action to achieve its aims. The desire of the entrepreneur to achieve that certain goal depends on how motivated he is. As cited by Elizabeth Eyre, McClellandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Theory (1961) which explains that each individual has their own way to be motivated. There are individuals who are motivated in achieving goals, others are motivated when working with other people, and some are motivated when they influence other people. Individuals develop them through their cultures and life experiences. An entrepreneur needs to be motivated in order to be persistent in achieving a certain goal. To sustain a business goal is, therefore, a condition where a business has to achieve consistently what is set out to achieve so as to succeed and remain in business. Also, setting things incrementally with short-term plans that take it as a stepping stone to larger plans the entrepreneur wants to achieve. Setting goals is an essential part in achieving success. There are several factors that could affect the business in achieving its goals; in fact, t hese factors can be measured using S.W.O.T. Analysis. As cited by Morrison (2014), Humprey has developed this tool to evaluate the strategic plans of the business. This tool is used to understand the strengths of the business that gives them an advantage over others. The strengths of the companies give them more opportunities. The tool is also used to determine the weaknesses of the business that gives them a disadvantage for others and the threats that could cause those troubles. Using S.W.O.T analysis, business can determine what are the internal factors and external factors that the business has to deal with in order to recognize what hinders the business from achieving its goals and what does not. When managers can determine these factors, the management then decides and plans an action in accordance to achieving their goals. Managers are always faced with numerous situations where they have to make several decisions that should give a positive effect on the business. Thus, A tkinsonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1980) expectancy-value theory explains that the decisions made by managers are influenced by what they are expecting to achieve when making such decisions. Atkinson defined expectancy as what an individual believes the outcome will be and defined value as how important the outcome it is to the individual. Making a precise decisions determine how a business should be managed because this decisions are ways on how the business can achieve its goals. Figure 1. Theoretical Framework The success of the business depends on how well the inventories are being managed. However, the management of the inventories depends on how the managers achieve their desired goals. Also, the desire of the managers to achieve a certain goal depends on how motivated they are to do their work. Goal setting theory explains how efficient and effective business should make their goals. The goals set by the entrepreneur a re the aim they want to achieve. Thus, final causality gives the idea that the goal of the business causes the managers to do such thing in order to achieve its goals. This cause is the primary reason that makes the managers be motivated. The motivational need theory explains that achieving certain goals makes an individual motivated. Achieving goals give managers confidence to do more on their job, in fact Maslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1943) Hierarchy of needs as cited by Chapman explains that self-esteem gives a person a sense of value and that sense gives motivation to the managers. It is not only the managers who need motivation, but as well as those people who are directly affected by the business. Motivation helps managers in making better decisions. The Expected Value Theory explains that the decisions made are weighed based on the desired outcome they want. After achieving the desired result, this gives managers a job satisfaction. This satisfaction gives motivation to entrepre neur and makes him more productive and the management of the business goes well. A better management of the business leads the business into success and the business becomes more profitable. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Study on Motivation Theory" essay for you Create order